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Showing posts from May, 2011

Life is all you

Easy come easy go Life is what you sow Its all about your thought Its all about what you really know what you think what you want what we have all we want Imbalance is sure Making us miserable more Take your thoughts to the kind When you sleep in silence Take you thoughts to the kind When you work in silence Then you sow what you really know

The Thomas Edison story

One day a partially deaf four yr old child came home with a note in his pocket from his teacher. “Your Tommy is too stupid to learn, get him out of the school.”. His mother read the note and answered, “my Tommy is not too stupid to learn, I will teach him myself”. And that Tommy grew up to be the great Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison had only three months of formal schooling. In 1914, Thomas Edison, at the age of 67, lost his factory on fire. It had a very little insurance. No longer a young man Edison watched his lifetime effort go up in fire and smoke and said “There is great value of disaster. All our mistakes are burnt up. Thank god we can start a new”. In spite of disaster, three weeks later , he invented PHONOGRAPH. What an attitude. Thomas Edison failed approx 10,000 times while he was working on the light bulb. .........SOURCE INTERNET