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Showing posts from July, 2014

The circle

I often think about living a life a perfect life although it is said to me that nothing perfect because only lord of the world is but being from a very simple environment I wish for big dreams . I confuse when I see people behaving differently . I read somewhere there is no state of mind of class people are either inferior complex or superior complex. In fact there is no such thing but a state of living . we tend to compare because we want things to be different. We want varieties because we want to super seed our personality upon other.But the fact is the ego we all want to boost is the prime source of make us feel good  .That feel good factor is responsible for making us to do the things even we never wish .Every one is having a conscious a conscious to take decisions .Even that decions are not in your favour. But we still we do we do take things the shorter way so that we are in a zone of comfort .That comfort we tend to seek is responsible for the circle of our actions we do. ...


Today i am in a different world a world a region a country which is so small that no body could believe that things are such beautiful . i am in a desert rose.a rose which looks alone but still it spreads beauty and it attracts the people to come and use it more until unless it is broken from its stem and used. i am among the people where every body is happy they are carefree and are friendly.i am at a place where the two nations are fighting killing and blaming .why cant they be humans anymore .i want to blame  for one or the other reason but still i don t know what to do .i am listening about them continuously .i am enjoying luxury  i am consuming it . but what all i am doing is waiting for others to take initiative.i feel powerless in this matter because these things are not in my hand even if i do so but living far from my home land i can see my people situation where  girls are been raped killed robbed where is my people  security. how safe they are.i am admiri...