Today i am in a different world a world a region a country which is so small that no body could believe that things are such beautiful . i am in a desert rose.a rose which looks alone but still it spreads beauty and it attracts the people to come and use it more until unless it is broken from its stem and used. i am among the people where every body is happy they are carefree and are friendly.i am at a place where the two nations are fighting killing and blaming .why cant they be humans anymore .i want to blame for one or the other reason but still i don t know what to do .i am listening about them continuously .i am enjoying luxury i am consuming it . but what all i am doing is waiting for others to take initiative.i feel powerless in this matter because these things are not in my hand even if i do so but living far from my home land i can see my people situation where girls are been raped killed robbed where is my people security. how safe they are.i am admiring this beauty living like a king size but what i can do. i can be a good sympathizer after that i would be discussing with any other person but does it really solve the problem. we all are divide on the name of religion every body is true follower to its own religion . a religion that is being followed by its respective people and it is sense of proud for everybody to follow it honestly and dutifully but to what extent thia religion can unite us ? we talk about our culture some one is restricted to a particular method and other one is restricted to another one. Instead of following a religion of BEING HUMAN i feel people are BEEHUMAN living in crowd and flying to a level which will only solve their purpose their needs.
When a man start working and earning money he thinks that he knows everything and he can do anything . Doing anything and everything is good but with a responsibilty and understanding your short comings . The path to understand well and plan in advance leads to a life well organised and with sufficient resources.
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